Tuesday 20 July 2010

MiNd YoUR lAnGuAgE..

1. who is mr brown?
>mr brown is a teachaer.

2.what is the topic tought by mr.brown?
>Basic English verb.

3.list down at least your 2 favourite characters in the sitcom "mind you language"?why do you like them?
>ali hadim because he so funny when mr brown want he make shot sentence "you are.."
>mr brown because he is blur teacher

4.what do you think the main problem faced by mr.brown in the classroom?
>have a communication problem.

5.state one character that you dislike in the sitcom.give a reason for your answer.
>chung su lee because she not funny and in the sitcom she comes late,so she got shot character.

6.how can mr brown help his student to improve their english?suggest two ways.
>mr brown must coherent in class
>mr brown must make more extra class

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